Westwood / Century City

Getting to Know Westwood / Century City

Century City is a 176-acre (71.2 ha) neighborhood and business district in Los Angeles, California, United States. Located on theWestside to the south of Santa Monica Boulevard around 10 miles (16 km) west of Downtown Los Angeles, Century City is one of the most prominent employment centers in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, and its skyscrapers form a distinctive skyline on the Westside.

The district was developed on the formerbacklotof film studio 20th Century Fox, and its first building was opened in 1963. There are two private schools, but no public schools in the neighborhood. Important to the economy are the Westfield Century Cityshopping center, business towers, and Fox Studios.

Westwood / Century City is a featured community where you can access homes currently for sale and good local information. If you have any questions regarding Westwood / Century City be sure to contact me or what else is happening in the real estate market.

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