Bel Air / Holmby Hills

Getting to Know Bel Air / Holmby Hills

Holmby Hills is a neighborhood in the district ofWestwoodin the westside ofLos Angeles.

The neighborhood was developed in the early twentieth century by the Janss Investment Company, which developed the rest of Westwood as well as other Los Angeles neighborhoods. With the expansion of Sunset Boulevard, Holmby Hills was split into northern and southern sections, each lying within a different community plan area designated by the City of Los Angeles: The portion south of Sunset Boulevard is the area north ofWilshire Boulevardand east of bothBeverly Glen Boulevardand Comstock Avenue, and west of theLos Angeles Country Club; it is located within theWestwoodCommunity Plan Area.The portion north of Sunset is the area east of Beverly Glen Boulevard and west of the city limits ofBeverly Hills, with Greendale Drive and Brooklawn Drive as its northernmost streets; it is located within theBel Air–Beverly Crest Community Plan Area, though it is historically distinct from the neighborhoods of both Bel Air and Beverly Crest.

Bel Air / Holmby Hills is a featured community where you can access homes currently for sale and good local information. If you have any questions regarding Bel Air / Holmby Hills be sure to contact me or what else is happening in the real estate market.

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